Armando Chacón
Painter and creator is what I am, early on I knew what I wanted to do. I am a visual artist that creates images that mixes reality and imagination. I like to paint images where the viewer can escape and grow its imagination.
I am originally from Guatemala City, Guatemala. I have Spanish and Mayan roots, which come out every time I pick up a brush. I create paintings to inspire those that want to grow their imagination, I interpret the world in a different and fun way, by mixing different angles and perspectives to give the world a different perspective. My palette consists of using bold colors and unique lines to describe what I encounter in the world around me.
Early on I was influenced by the great masters, where a trip to Spain showed me great art and culture. This came about after I won a National Art Contest in my native country.
My imagination and subject matter ranges from surreal landscapes, animals, and places influenced by endless curiosity.
In my Surreal paintings I use ancient and modern symbols to give the viewer a sense of scape and freedom, allowing imagination to grow. The outcome is a journey to the subconscious, and a deep understanding of all the things that we encounter in our daily lives.
Also, I am a Plein-air artist. This is another way that I express myself in this beautiful world we live in. Capturing the essence and colors with my palette are a must for my artistic journey. In this style I learned and discover a deep love for nature and its endless hues.
Being an artist is complicated and fun. That is why in addition, I create Abstract paintings where my painting can flow. The spontaneity and energy derived from these pieces creates a bridge to other work of art. I see a pattern that form in my work where all the styles are starting to collide.
I believe that my journey as an artist has just begun, and the road ahead is full of possibilities. I believe great art must be made to inspire the next generation of creators.

Armando Chacón

Armando Chacón
Strawberry II

Armando Chacón